The Sumerian Game: A Digital Resurrection

The Sumerian Game: A Digital Resurrection

The Sumerian Game is one of the earliest computer games, grandfather of today's strategy, simulation and management games. Developed in 1964-67, The Sumerian Game is the first known example of edutainment software, a program designed for educational purpouses by entertaining 6th grade school students in New York. 

Lost in mid 70s, The Sumerian Game is now completely restored starting from recovered printouts and Richard Wing's notes in his final report. 

The Sumerian Game: A Digital Resurrection is a book about the study of the game, its history, the people who designed it and its rebuilding process that led to the release of The Sumerian Game on Steam.

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Table of contents:

  • History of The Sumerian Game
  • The printouts
  • Game Analysis and reconstruction
  • King of Sumeria
  • Pollution Game
  • Hamurabi
  • The Slides
  • Biographies


  • Approximately 160 pages, 180,000 keystrokes, and 100 pictures;
  • 17x24 cm, hardcover, full color inside;
  • 8 chapters and appendix;
  • Preface by (To be announced);
  • Cover by Paul Stinson, legendary artist of Sierra On-Line, best known for his Marauder, Ultima II and Escape from Mt. Drash artworks.


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